UV Curing

UV CURINGBecker Acroma’s UV-curing range comprises both paints and lacquers. Most of today’s modern industrial finishing processes for furniture and joinery involve the use of UV products. Speed, the limited space requirement for equipment, low running costs, radically reduced solvent emissions and high-quality finishes are just some of the reasons.

UV products contain a binder with a photo-initiator. When the applied coat is exposed to UV light, the initiator absorbs energy and triggers rapid polymerization (curing) of the binder. This split-second process produces highly durable and chemically resistant finishes. Joinery treated with a UV product can be stacked immediately after curing, without any risk of the surfaces sticking to each other. In their basic form, all Becker Acroma’s UV products are solvent-free.

With new application technology and Becker Acroma’s advanced product development, UV products can now be used much more broadly than before.


Acrylate-free primers, sealers and lacquers

Beckrolight is a unique, acrylate-free UV system which can be introduced on existing UV lacquering lines with no need for modification. Beckrolight is as fast curing as conventional UV lacquers, so you can maintain line speed when changing to Beckrolight.

Durable and resistant finishes

Beckrolight wets the substrate better than conventional UV lacquers. It produces a finish similar to that achieved with the best acid-curing products, ensuring a superior feel. Beckrolight makes it easier to combine elements which have been coated with different systems while retaining a uniform effect. Beckrolight produces finishes with good resistance. They withstand heavy wear and chemicals. They are highly resistant to abrasion, scratching and stains.


No solvents, no emissions

When developing Beckrolight, we made personal safety a priority, knowing that conventional UV products can cause skin irritation and allergies if wrongly handled in production. With Beckrolight, these risks have now been effectively eliminated. This has been demonstrated by impartial toxicological tests, including those conducted by Scantox in Denmark. The Beckrolight range includes primers, sealers and lacquers, as well as other products.


Beckrolight Prime

Beckrolight Prime is a primer, for roller application on fibreboard. With its high hiding power, this product can be applied in a thin film (15–20 g/m2). Beckrolight Prime is also available in a special optiroller quality, permitting application of a thicker film without causing striation.

Beckrolight Seal

Beckrolight Seal is a range of sealers for roller and spray application. These products feature very high build and are easy to sand.

Beckrolight Clear

Beckrolight Clear is a range of lacquers which give finishes with very good surface resistance. The products are available in sheens ranging from semi-matt to glossy. They can be applied by roller or spray.


The Beckry system is highly flexible, and the various products can be combined in many different ways, as well as with other types of surface treatment materials. The series includes products which are non-yellowing and have low monomer levels. Consequently, they are normally easily modified to suit a particular finishing facility and to produce a specific quality finish.


Beckry Seal

Beckry Seal is a range of high built sealers. They offer good adhesion, even to resinous redwood, and have good sanding properties. Beckry Seal products are normally applied using one or more rollers.

Beckry Prime

Beckry Prime is a primer with good hiding power, designed for roller application. It is normally applied in a thin film (15–20 g/m2). A special optiroller quality is available, which produces smooth surfaces even when applied more thickly.


Beckry Fill

Beckry Fill is a one-pack, UV-curing filler, developed primarily as particleboard filler. With modern filling techniques and Beckry Fill, fully acceptable results can be achieved even with lower grades of particleboard. Beckry Fill is available as a clear or pigmented filler.

Beckry Clear

The Beckry Clear range of lacquers provides a high finish, resulting in surfaces which meet the exacting Möbelfakta standards. They are available in a range of sheens, from matt to glossy. For smaller lines with few rollers, Beckry Clear can be supplied as a “combi-lacquer”, combining the functions of sealer and lacquer.

Beckry Top

Beckry Top is a paint for roller application. They are applied in a thin film to a maximum of 10 g/m2. Beckry Top is also available in a special optiroller quality, which can be applied up to a maximum of 15 g/m2. Beckry Top is also available as textured paint.

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